Matrix IP


Matrix IP Patent Summary


The operation of all current cellular radio systems relies upon the use and reuse of bidirectional radio frequency spectrum within a defined coverage area for the provision of data upon an integrated data network.

This design and deployment arrangement was first outlined for radio frequency cellular services that deliver broadband digital or analogue services in patent P 1-2000-000443 (Philippines) and US 7403500 B2 (USA). Operational services were demonstrated and the patent was extended to additional jurisdictions.


Invention Patented

The patent invention discloses the operational design and use of radio frequency and in the reuse over defined coverage areas or cells and the use of splitting to effect size reduction and spectrum reuse, a design that is a fundamental to the system architecture used in radio frequency based 4G and 5G cellular network deployments.

Also disclosed are effective and efficient frequency reuse plans via isolation improvements to provide a workable commercial network broadband data capacity solution when using directional radio frequency based equipment. The network designs disclosed describe the deployment of this geometric structure and its practical use. The patent design applies to all spectrum based services that can be constructed using directed radio frequencies.

The Patent sets out the invention and provides examples of the use of direction frequencies as deployed in a cellular structure to lower tower heights and improve spectrum use and improve information capacity derived in an area.



This method of cellular radio deployment is fundamental to construction of any modern area based radio communication system that relies upon the use of multiple radio cells of directional radio services to deliver data capacity with community amenity, low environmental impact and at lower average radiation energy than original central site high power circuit designs.

A deployed cellular based 4G and 5G cell radius will, in general, be smaller with higher radio frequency reuse due to propagation loss rising with service designs operating at higher frequencies and at higher transmission bit rates which require smaller but more numerous cells and radio frequency reuse to adequately cover a given area with broadband capacity.

A cell-size decrease by half will result in up to 4 times the number of cellular transmitter sites being required to cover the same area but with improved broadband capacity and the patent invention discloses the design that is required to provide, deliver and operate such a radio based cellular broadband data system.



The patent describes the way both 4G and 5G cellular radio systems are generally deployed. To date there appears to be no other deployment method or design used for radio based cellular services that deliver broadband data networks that does not rely upon the use of the disclosed radio frequency geometric cellular topology.

The described invention improves community acceptance by improving visual amenity and lowers radiation levels per area. The use of the disclosed cellular geometric deployment also improves effective coverage and data delivery efficiency in any given urban or suburban area.

For urban or suburban radio system that are constructed utilising directional radio frequencies and are utilised to provide a data broadband network then our view is the system has most likely been constructed utilising the invention disclosed in the patents Philippines 1-2000-000443 and US7403500 B2.
